Thursday, September 13, 2012

How to make Emping Melinjo (Cracker chips) Completely, and How to Fry it

Emping is one of our traditional foods that have spread into many places and provinces. Emping come from Javanese. This food made from seeds of Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum) that lives in southeast asia and western pacific ocean. We could find this plan in Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and others.
Emping Melinjo (Cracker chips)
Emping is one of our traditional foods that have spread into many places and provinces. Emping come from Javanese. This food made from seeds of Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum) that lives in southeast asia

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sekoeteng Warm Healthy Beverage for Catch Cold, and How to make it (Indonesian Traditional Beverage)

Indonesian Healthy Beverage from Java Island is very delicious taste. It comes from Java Island especially Jakarta, Western Java and Central Java.
Sekoeteng Healthy Beverage
Sekoeteng Healthy Beverage- Indonesian Healthy Beverage from Java Island is very delicious taste. It comes from Java Island especially Jakarta, Western Java and Central Java. The Sekoeteng has been made by Ginger as the main ingredients. It is like wedang jahe, but in the sekoeteng there were many additional foods that should be added.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Traditional food from Palembang (Sumatra Indonesia), and How to make Pindang Catfish (Ikan Patin)

Pindang catfish is very famous in Sumatra Island. It was different from Fish Pindang like in Java Island which has been made by tuna steam.
Pindang Catfish (Ikan Patin) from Padang Indonesia
Pindang catfish is very famous in Sumatra Island. It was different from Fish Pindang like in Java Island which has been made by tuna steam.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Spicy Soy Sauce Shrimp Paste Traditional Food from East Java and How to make it (Sambal Kecap Petis)

A shrimp paste is Indonesian traditional food which made by fermented shrimp.  The shrimp comes from east java, usually the society use this shrimp paste to be additional food for making Lontong Balap, Rujak Tahu, and many others.
Spicy Soy Sauce Shrimp Paste

A shrimp paste is Indonesian traditional food which made by fermented shrimp.  The shrimp comes from east java, usually the society use this shrimp paste to be additional food for making Lontong Balap, Rujak Tahu, and many others.