Friday, August 31, 2012

Tempe Bacem is Unique Indonesian Food, How to make Tempe Bacem

Inoensian Recipe and Food, Unique Food come from Indonesia
Tempe bacem made by tempe that boiled with brown sugar. This traditional food is very famous because of the distinctive flavor that is sweet.

How to make Avocado Juice tastes Delicious, Indonesian Recipe and food

Avocado is one of our traditional drink and fruit which has many nutrients like protein, calcium, magnesium, calcium, and many others. The avocado will be really good to be consumed especially for pregnant women and baby.
Juice Avocado
Avocado is one fruit which has many nutrients like protein, calcium, magnesium, calcium, and many others. The avocado will be really good to be consumed especially for pregnant women and baby.

How to make fruit soup (sop buah), Healthy food and dirk from Indonesia

Fruits soup is healthy food and drink for us. This soup is very appropriate to us to consume when the weather is hot. Not only vitamin that you will get, but also the fruits frees could make you taste different to make better your mood.

The green sauce (sambal hijau), Traditional Recipe from Padang, and How to make Green Sauce

Padang restaurant is very famous in Indonesia. It could be called the best restaurant best ever in Indonesia because in every region place. You will find Padang’s Restaurant (Rumah Masakan Padang),