Friday, August 31, 2012

Bali Traditional Matah Sauce (Sambal Matah), Indonesian Recipe from Bali Island

Matah Souce
Matah sauce is the favorite sauce in Bali. This sauce usually consumes to be complement of fried duck (especially in Bali).

The ginger drink or juice (Wedang Jahe), and how to make ginger juice as healthy drink

Ginger could be made for our healthy drink. That is our research as Indonesian people.  Wedang jahe could make our body always fit and get more powerful. Why? Because the ginger has some of contains that could make our body fell hot and fresh.

The stews Jengkol (Semur Jengkol), How to cook Semur Jengkol Indonesian Traditional Recipe

Indonesian unique foods today will share about our traditional food and it is named Semur Jengkol. Most of Indonesian know about this food because it is very unique food and smeel stink. But after you have made semur jengkol, the taste will be different than before, absolutely its taste delicious.

How to Make “Fried Tempe” (Tempe Mendoan) Delicious Taste from Indonesian Food

Because of the fried tempe has been available in all most of region of Indonesia Java Island, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bali and Lombok know this food. One of fried tempe that is very famous is “Tempe Mendoan”.
Tempe Mendoan
Fried Tempe is the most popular of Indonesian food. Because of the fried tempe has been available in all most of region of Indonesia Java Island, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bali and Lombok know this food. One of fried tempe that is very famous is “Tempe Mendoan”.